EU security requirements for incoming air cargo & mail
EU regulations require air carriers flying cargo and mail into the EU from non-EU countries to have certain security standards in place prior to the loading of an aircraft bound for the EU. Such carriers are to be designated as an “Air Cargo or Mail Carrier operating into the Union from a Third Country Airport (ACC3)”.
What are the EU ACC3 requirements and when will they become mandatory?
From 1 July 2014 all ACC3’s must be in possession of security verifications of their cargo and mail operations at the relevant non-EU airports. This verification activity must be undertaken by an EU Accredited Independent Validator. These validations will be valid for a period of 5 years.
If the ACC3 wishes to have the security controls applied by a business partner such as Known Consignors (KC) and Regulated Agents (RA) at non-EU airports, then these entities will also have to undergo independent validation to obtain the status KC3 or RA3.
The Implications for Airlines, Forwarders, Shippers
- Potentially 1000’s of stations need to be validated by July 2014 and then re-validated every 5 years
- Validation can only be done by Independent Validators (IVs) accredited by an EU Member State
- All must be independently validated (LPD)
- Screening requirements must meet EU standards
- LPD transit and transfer cargo is also affected
- Secure supply chain is recognized – but must also be validated (RA3/KC3) in or outside the ACC3 program
- HRCM must be identified and screened accordingly
- CSDs must detail security status; e.g. SPX, SCO, SHR
- Security Programs must be up to date & accurate
ETSverification GmbH
- Guido Harling has been accepted by the LBA (German Civil Aviation Authority) by undergoing a security screening i.a.w. §7 German Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) and a 35-hour IATA training for Security Managers i.a.w. chapter 11.2.5 of Regulation (EU) 185/2010.
- He is listed as an independent validator (IV) under the number DE/0028/DE/3000.
- We offer pre-emptive validation (RA3 & KC3) and workshops for all participants involved in the process (airlines, forwarders and shippers).